Author: Dr. Wayne Scott Anderson
Published: July 9, 2013, by Da Capo Lifelong Books
Number of Pages: 240
My Rating: 9 out of 10
This book, for me, was a real motivator. I was having a hard time getting motivated about losing weight. I knew I needed to lose weight and get healthier, but I was really struggling.
One night I logged into my Amazon account and started browsing “health” related books that I thought would be interesting. The book had some good reviews and Dr. Anderson had written another book that I read a few years ago when I was doing the Take Shape for Life weight loss plan (now known as Optavia).
I decided to order the book and I began reading it right away. Dr. Anderson writes in an easy-to-read format. The book was very informational, listing the healthy habits to live by and using a step-by-step approach.
The information in this book generated excitement for me to get healthier. In fact, I ordered the paperback version of the book too so that I could read it a second time (which I did).
I went through and highlighted some information I wanted to remember and the steps I wanted to take to start losing weight and getting healthier.
What Did I Like About Discover Your Optimal Health?
The major thing I liked about this book was the ease of reading and understanding. Dr. Anderson’s ideas are easy to put into action in your day-to-day life as well.
Although he wrote this book to address the Healthy Habits implemented in the Take Shape for Life program (now known as Optavia) the action plans can be implemented by anyone.
Final Thoughts
This is a good go-to book that can be read repeatedly. You will pick up something new each time.
It is a motivational read. Each time I have read this book, it has made me think more about my health and where I would like to be.
I have plans to read it again this next year just as a motivational tool. Even though I did lose 45 pounds last year, I still need to lose a few more pounds and I want to be reminded.
If you are looking for a motivational read, this book will be a good choice.
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